To Do or To Ditch? Our Thoughts on New Year’s Resolutions

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Did you know that Sunday, January 17 is National Ditch Your Resolutions Day? That’s right, there’s a whole day dedicated to abandoning those goals set by the more hopeful, innocent, and rosy-cheeked versions of ourselves as the new year takes its first baby steps into reality. With these New Year’s resolutions comes with it the notion that our new and improved selves are right around the corner, to be found in this sunshine-embued future right beyond our fingertips.

But oftentimes, our resolutions along with these elusive better versions of ourselves come crashing down right around the middle of January, thus National Ditch Your Resolutions Day. At Quilting Daily, we have thoughts on this resolution-making phenomenon and a few ideas of our own, not only when it comes to quilting, but when it comes to those shiny versions of ourselves that we always seem to aspire to and the steps were taking or not taking when it comes to seeing those through.

Here are a few thoughts from our editors on 2021, their improved selves, their quilting, and life.

Denise Starck, Editorial Director

2021. This year has a lot of expectations to live up to!

I, like many others, am not really into making resolutions. In years past, I’ve chosen a word to set my intention for the year; Believe. Gratitude. Peace. An intent, as opposed to a resolution, to guide my actions. This year that has been harder to do. Lately, I’ve lost my sewing motivation and the excitement of quilting has been harder to come by. I’m not really sure why. When I do take time to quilt, I still love it and find great joy in creating, but giving myself permission to take time away from family, chores, or other obligations has been tough. Sometimes it seems there just aren’t enough hours in the day. I know it’s good for my mental health and keeps my creative juices flowing, but I suspect deep down I feel some guilt about taking the time for myself. It’s a challenge I think many of us face.

So, I’ve decided that my goal for the year is to cut myself some slack and prioritize time to quilt and be creative. Do something just for me. I’m planning a regularly scheduled time every week to be in my sewing room – even if it’s just to clean up, organize, do some simple piecing or get inspired by fabric or patterns. To focus on what I need, want and crave. Maybe I’ve just found my word for 2021… Focus.

Lori Baker, Acquisitions Editor

My resolutions for 2021 a bit more standard:

  1. Finish a bunch of PIGS (Projects in Grocery Sacks). Notice that I didn’t put a specific number on this, but I try to finish at least one a month.
  2. Lose weight. Again, notice that I don’t put a specific number here. The past year with COVID and being stuck in my house has added several unwanted pounds.
  3. Get rid of excess “stuff” to simplify things. I’m trying to be realistic. If I haven’t used something in the last six months, it would be good to donate it or throw it away

I don’t make a whole lot of resolutions. I’d rather just make a few and actually be able to keep them and make a difference in my life.

Vivika Hansen DeNegre, Director of Content

I’m not big on resolutions… I usually set them aside too quickly. This year I did commit to a word of the year – Bridge – but that’s an intention, not a resolution.

Maybe the best choice for me would be to take the “anti-resolution” route this year when thinking about my quilting. An anti-resolution, as its name implies, is less about perfecting one’s habits and more about letting go of things that get in the way of personal progress.

If that’s the case, I’ll prepare for imperfection.  I acknowledge my inability to sew the perfect ¼” seam and the fact that my corners don’t match. Ever. I’ll also curb my enthusiasm for gadgets and gismos that don’t make my studio time more productive. They generally just lead to clutter. Lastly, I’ll stop procrastinating when it comes to making the quilts I really want to make. Why waste time on UFOs that give me no pleasure when all I want to do is work on my favorite scrap quilt?

Here’s one UFO I really do want to finish, based on the Picnic Party pattern I designed that was inspired by a Bonnie Hunter Trip Around the World quilt.

These are some of our approaches to the “New year, new you” mantra. What is your approach this year? Are you cutting yourself some slack for your lack of sew-jo like Denise, ready to tackle a few manageable resolutions like Lori, or perhaps going the route of the anti-resolution like Vivika? The beauty of New Year’s resolutions is that they’re whatever we want them to be.

Happy new year, happy new you, and happy quilting from your friends at Quilting Daily!

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